Aminet Set 2

Aminet Set 2

Aminet is the world's largest collection of freely distributable Amiga software. Up to 10.000 users access the vast archives every day, and countless programmers release their software directly on Aminet. Less than 4 years after its inception, Aminet now holds tbe equivalent of 7000 floppy disks. AMINET SET 2 offers you everything that what was added to the archive since AMINET SET 1 was made plus 300 electronic books from Project Gutenberg.

AMINET SET 2, dated November 1995, consists of approximately 4 gigabytes of software in 12.000 archives. Whether you like applications, games, communications or programming, the SET gives you all you need. Easy to use index files and search facilities make accessing it a pleasure.

120 MB 1.000 Utilities
270 MB 870 Documents
40 MB 210 text software
75 MB 170 Business software

630 MB 2.000 Pictures & animations
170 MB 430 Graphics software
150 MB 270 Miscellaneous

630 MB 2.000 Graphics & sound demos
250 MB 530 Games
110 MB 340 Development software
10 MB 110 Disk/HD tools
5 MB 60 Hardware related

840 MB 3.100 Music modules
150 MB 1.000 Communications
30 MB 120 Music software

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